Tour Positano in the evening

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duration: 5
Places you will visit: Tour Positano

Positano in the evening

Would you like to visit Positano in the evening when the day- tourists are gone? Then this Tour would be the rigth choice for you!

Pickup at 6pm at your Hotel in Sorrento/surrounding or from teh ship (if it makes overnigth in Sorrento). 

Drive directly to the Amalfi Coast with free time at Positano. At this time of the day the shops are all still open, but it is less crouded, as the day tourists are all back in their Hotels or on the ship. So you can really enjoy the small Village without too much trouble.

After that - and some fotostops along the Amalfi Coast- you will reach to a small village at the end of the Sorrento Peninsula -Termini. From here you have the really best view over to the island of Capri (from nowhere on teh Sorrento Peninsula you have such a view!). And with this amaizing view - you will have the opportunity to see the sunset behind the islands of  Capri and Ischia- you will have your dinner at a tipical local italian restaurant. Far away from the touristical crowd and noice of Sorrento.

Back to your Hotel after dinner at about 11pm. 


Janine 16/01/16

Hallo Julia, wir sind wieder in Berlin angekommen und möchten uns an dieser Stelle nochmals ganz herzlich bedanken. Wir hatten einen unvergesslich schönen Tag zusammen. Die...


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